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Paper ID: 94
Swallow Ornament as an Identity For the Sustainability of Gebangsari Kebumen Pottery Existence
D Nurcahyanti1, S M Nurromadhoni1 and N Wahyuningsih1
1Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
Email: desynurcahyanti@staff.uns.ac.id
This study examines the application of Swallow bird ornaments to pottery products in Gebangsari village, Kebumen Regency, Central Java province, Indonesia, as a strategy to preserve local traditional art. The research approach used in this study was descriptive qualitative by employing a case studies framework. Cultural, human resources, and environmental values are essential points of this research as supporting aspects for the sustainable existence of Gebangsari’s traditional pottery. Data analysis was performed in a moving interactive cycle between data reduction processes, presentation, and verification of the data. The results showed that: 1) Pottery has a historical relationship with the existence of the Gebangsari village; 2) Clay elements with sea sand additive material are special characteristics only found in Gebangsari pottery, and 3) Gebangsari artisans develop Swallow ornaments as an identity for the sustainability of traditional pottery. The sustainability identity was introduced through a series of traditional pottery-making processes from the beginning to the finishing stage into the wider community, particularly people from outside of Gebangsari village, Kebumen Regency, Indonesia.