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Paper ID: 177
Eco-brick Infographic Animation as a Campaign Medium for Plastic Waste Management in Yogyakarta Special Region
DT Ardianto1 and Rizky Ardhani1
1Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Email: denytri@staff.uns.ac.id
Our World in Data noted that Indonesia produced 824,234 tons of plastic waste that was not managed properly throughout 2019. This crucial condition also occurs in many big cities in Indonesia, one of which is in Yogyakarta City. In 2018, the Environment Agency of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) issued Jogja Free Waste program 2025 and several policies to support it. However, the program cannot immediately reduce the massive plastic pollution. The lack of individual awareness and dissemination of the program information to deal with plastic waste is one of the causes of the long going problem. Willa Ecobrick Indonesia, a social alliance in Gunung Kidul, DIY, is trying to promote Ecobrick as an environmentally friendly brick which is expected to be an alternative solution to the plastic waste problem. Using infographic animation media, Willa Ecobrick seeks to inspire and influence the younger generation to agents of change in educating the public about the importance of reducing plastic waste, especially in Yogyakarta area.