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Paper ID: 184
Generation Z's Preference For Choosing A Visual Animation Style As A Medium For Promoting Environmental Sustainability
AI Santoso1
1Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Email: ariefiman@staff.uns.ac.id
Many new media were introduced to increase public awareness of the importance of understanding environmental issues. Animation as a medium of communication has the ability to persuade and express many things that other mass communication media cannot do. Generation Z is a productive age that also holds the key in determining environmental sustainability in the future. This study tries to explore the preferences of Generation Z on the choice of visual animation style as a medium for promoting environmental sustainability on the YouTube platform. By conducting a survey on 100 Generation Z in Surakarta City, Indonesia, this study found that the visual aspect and the content aspect are the factors that determine the preferences of Generation Z to watch environmental animation films. This study also found the interest of Generation Z on the issues of global warming and climate change.