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Paper ID: 190
Interior Accessories Product Design using Fabric Rope from Patchwork Waste
Nurhayatu Nufut Alimin1, 2*, Endri Sintiana Murni3, Ambar Mulyono1, Dwi Cahyani1 and Nurul Aini1
1Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2Research Group of Cultural Aesthetics, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
3Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Email: nurhayatunufut@staff.uns.ac.id
Indonesia is one of the countries with the most significant contributor to the production of patchwork waste. Based on its characteristics, cloth is a waste that is difficult to decompose and has a long time to destroy without polluting the environment properly. In addition, another fact shows that Indonesia has become one of the world’s second-largest waste suppliers. In the interior sector, cloth is needed as the primary medium, especially in making interior accessories products made from textiles or upholstery. The interior can use patchwork waste into a product with beauty, function, and economic value. Therefore, this service will focus on processing patchwork into interior accessory products, such as blankets, carpets, pillows, etc. In this case, we will use patchwork waste material as the primary material to make home accessories products as an addition to the house’s aesthetic value. Some of the products implemented use macrame rope processed from household patchwork waste.