Home » Poster Show 1 » ID22 The Natural Color Utilization of Indigofera
Paper ID: 22
The Natural Color Utilization of Indigofera Substance for Batik Development
Sarwono, Darwoto, and Sigit Purnomo Adi
Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Email: sarwono59@staff.uns.ac.id
This research is focused of: (1) The Implementation of Indigofera color substance which is used for batik color substance material with fixation of alum, lime, and lotus tree, (2) Developing batik design with the natural color substance of the Indigofera color material on the cotton cloth, (3) Coloring the natural color substance of Indigofera on the silk cloth for batik. The objectives of the research are: to discuss the implementation of the color material of Indigofera which can be used as textile color material with fixations of alum, lime, and lotus, to design the batik with the natural color substance of Indigofera color material on the silk cloth and cotton cloth for batik. The problem-solving method in this research includes the problem analysis which is related to the utilization of the natural color substance of the Indigofera color material, the strategy in the product making by carrying out experiments (action research) related to the aspects that support the data collecting and observation result, technique trial, material and design motif. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded several things in the design visualizations in the form of batik designs with the natural color substance of Indigofera, its obstacles and the problem-solving in the experiments of coloring batik cloth entirely.