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Paper ID: 166

Value Chain Mapping of Porang Commodity (Amorphophallus muelleri) in Wonogiri Regency

Sugiharti Mulya Handayani1, Fanny Widadie1*, Setyowati1, and Mei Tri Sundari1

1Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) is a plant commodity with a high value primarily for export. Therefore, this commodity has a huge opportunity to be developed in Indonesia as a superior commodity. This study explores the value chain mapping of Porang in Wonogori to describe the flow of Porang from on-farm production to manufacturing, including the activities in each chain actor to increase the added value. The survey was conducted in Wonogiri regency by interviewing the actors from the upstream until downstream. A total of 55 respondents were interviewed from the actors involved in the chains, such as farmers, rural traders, sub-district traders, and wholesalers. The interviews asked about the flow of the product and activities to increase the value added of Porang. There are four value chain mapping found in the survey. First, farmers go directly to the factory. Second, farmers to traders in sub-district to wholesalers to the factory. Third, farmers to wholesalers to the factory. Fourth, farmers to traders in rural to traders in sub-district to wholesalers to the factory. The whole actors in the chains have different roles and activities to increase the added value of Porang.

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