Home » Room Video 1 » ID25 Site-Specific Red Chili (Capsicum annuum) Growth
Paper ID: 25
Site-Specific Red Chili (Capsicum annuum) Growth and Yield on Katingan Dryland in Central Kalimantan
RY Galingging1 and S. Agustini1
1 Central Kalimantan Assessment Institute for Agricultura. Technology, Indonesian.
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development,MinistryofAgriculture
Email: : ronnyyuniargalingging@yahoo.com
This research was conducted from April 2021 to December 2021 in Buntut Village, Bali, Malan Island District, Katingan Regency. The ingredients used are seeds of chili varieties Kencana and locally. Liquid Organic Fertilizer, PGPR, Cow Manure, Urea, SP36, NPK Phonska, and pesticides for pest and disease control. The method used was a Randomized Group Design (RAK) and a dose of PGPR with 4 repeats. PGPR dosage is: Without PGPR (control), 150 ml / plant and 300 ml / plant for red chili plants and local chilies. Observation parameters with a PGPR dose of 300 ml / plant have a noticeable effect on plant height, number of primary branches, flowering time, harvest time, number of flowers on one plant, the number of fruits in one plant, fruit length and fruit stalk length, both in red chili and in local chili.