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Paper ID: 119
Eco-Art Trend Based On Eco-Culture In The Painting Works Of Young Indonesian Artists
Setyo Budi and Narsen Afatara
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Email: Setyobudi67@gmail.com, narsenafatara@uns.ac.id
At the beginning of the XI century, there were significant changes among young Indonesian artists where the orientation of their artworks was more towards the spirit of Eco-Art. This change was part of their expression of awareness as part of the natural and cultural environment globally. The issue of media choice, style of expression, and -ism is no longer the central discourse. The contemporary spirit of massive Eco-Culture is manifest in many young Indonesian creators. This phenomenon can be mapped through a qualitative research method based on Gadamer’s Hermeneutic Theory. Especially in their paintings, young artists are no longer expressing in the form of complex and contemplative symbolic attractions but a straightforward aesthetic narrative of what is understood and desired about the natural and cultural environment. They talk about nature’s beauty, the uniqueness of local culture, and the destruction of nature, to concerns about its sustainability, a unique contemporary spirit. They no longer tell about the expression of an era filled with political and social conflicts, but they tell beyond it. They tell stories about the context of space and time to place the events from era to era.