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Paper ID: 146

Profit Functions Of Catfish Farming For Increasing Household Income In Pekanbaru City Riau Province

Elinur1, Asrol1, Heriyanto1, and Sisca Vaulina1

1Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Riau, Riau Province


The profit of catfish farming is a describe of performance business. Profit is determined by output and input price. This study aims to analysis the level profitability of catfish farm and determinant factors profit of catfish farm. This research was conducted a survey method, located in Pekanbaru City. The research data is cross section data, obtained by using the interview method. The sampling used simple random sampling method with 98 catfish farmers. Data analysis used statistical analysis with multiple linear regression. Research results show that: firstly, catfish farm in Pekanbaru City is profitable. Secondly, price of catfish, labour wages, the price of feed PF 1000 and depreciation costs significantly affects to profits. But price of seeds and feed PF 800 does not significantly affect it. Thirdly, the price of catfish is responsive to changes profit for enlargement catfish business. It means, changes in catfish prices have a major impact on catfish profits. However, labour wages, feeds and equipment depreciation are not responsive to profits. This study recommend that output pricing policy is importance for sustainability business catfish for increasing household income.

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