Home » Room Video 1 » ID124 Upland Rice Growth on Giving of Biochar
Paper ID: 124
Upland Rice Growth on Giving of Biochar and Organic Fertilizer
M Rahayu1*, AI Nurmalasari1, and K Apriliya2
1 Lecturer of Agrotecnology Program Study, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2 Undergraduate of Agrotecnology Program Study, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
* Email: mujirahayu@staff.uns.ac.id
Upland rice is a food crop commodity that can be cultivated on dry land, which usually has low soil fertility. Increasing soil fertility can be through the addition of organic materials in the form of biochar and organic fertilizers. The aim of this research was to examine the growth of upland rice on the application of several types of biochar and organic fertilizers. The research was conducted in Sukosari Jumantono Village, Karanganyar in March-June 2022. The research used completely randomized design consisting of 2 factors: the type of biochar (without biochar, coconut shell biochar, rice husk biochar, strobilanthes biochar) and the type of organic fertilizer (without fertilizer, chicken manure, goat manure, cow dung fertilizer) with three replications. The results showed that the application of biochar and organic fertilizers was not able to increase plant height, fresh weight of biomass, dry weight of biomass and leaf area of upland rice. The application of biochar was able to increase the number of leaves and the number of tillers of upland rice at 4-6 weeks after planting (MST). Coconut shell biochar gave the best results on the number of leaves and number of tillers than rice husk biochar and strobilanthes biochar.